Saturday 18 January 2014

The Potential Girl

The other day i was out having a drink with my friends, there was a a question they asked

Hey bro what is you taste of girl ah? like what kind of girl would you like, then i thought back on my ex's what kind of girls do i like, but when i think back on what kind of girl i really like, and what kind of girl do i like, they are not what of i expect.

The potential girl, i have dated many girls, not to be bragging. The potential girl i want is probably one the can be open minded, independent, sweet, and have a kind attitude. Of course thats what every one wants, then again from the ex's that i had, they are not independent, mostly not open minded, and pretty much kids from where i stand. 

Then i was thought what do i really want? feelings maybe just feelings, but they help to spark things of but if their attitudes don't fit, it really doesn't matter, for the relationship may not even last. A girl for me i guess the feelings don't really matter anymore, anything can be fallen for. as long given the right amount of time. 

Any one can like many girls, but every man can only love only one, like to love is a process. It takes time to change like into love. i have done it a few times. if anyones sees this and disagree, you can keep it to your self because this is my opinion. 

I have seen many girls that are extremely self-destructive, rude, and violent to their other half, not to say some guys aren't the same, but i still look down on a guy that would hit a girl. No girl should stand for a guy hitting them unless if they are really asking for it. 

The main point is, the girl for me now is by feeling, but i am still looking for the right one. i may have many ex's but i try to love and give my best to always make them smile. I can easily fall for any girl, but it doesn't mean i move on easy. As long as time and effort is given to love them, I would definitely have more feelings towards her. My current one has a very sweet smile and extremely smart, and being with her would make me doubt myself why would she like me. Well if it is seem from my point of view, it could be simply just love or simply enough our personalities match nicely.

I myself know how it feels to be hurt and played, and i have done my fair share of playing. from the point where I stand right now, i would know a lot about how a girl would think, and react before it even happens. So controlling and  setting something up would be easy. i may understand most girls but there are some that i still don't understand, usually those girls are known as the ones that got away. I guess it's because i couldn't understand them thats why i gave up. 

As from what i have seen for the past few days, i can consider myself an extremely patient guy, compared to some people i know. As we can see girls can sometimes be difficult, but we still sacrifice for them, why? why do we sacrifice our dignity to make them happy, the answer is pretty simple, it's because we love and care for them. 

It doesn't matter if they are creative or smart, it's the feeling and the click you have when you're with each other. Most of the couple these day always forget about why did they got together, it is very simple to just say the word break up, so easy to let go. Well i don't think so, i may have been separated for awhile now but i don't think i can ever forget what has happened in the past. The sacrifices that i have made and the sacrifices that she has given.

It is by experience thats why i understand so much, all strong relationship needs is just the right amount of understanding, love, feelings, patients, and sacrifice. All this for one simple person, The potential girl, or the future wife, to SMILE

No hates please

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