Tuesday 18 March 2014

A path to walk

I have been on and off different paths in my life, seeing different people and talking to even more, but finally until now i have really found one that i can seriously walk down till it ends. I have finally found what to live for. i use to think that there is nothing much to look forward to, live is simple enough to live day by day like this, but now there is finally a real goal for me to achieve.

I slacked of the paths many time, I gave up on many great things that i never though would actually mean something, but now i hope i can get back up on those paths that i was once on. I even had always though that it is not worth to push on but, now i know even a single thread on a tapestry, though it's color brightly shines, can you ever see its purpose, in the picture of its grand design. The stone that sits on the very top on the mountains mighty face, does it think its more importance then the stones that form the base.

From just the words that i heard from a few close friends have finally woke me up, to chasing what i was once chasing. I could have never seen what life was worth with out them. He and she, both of these friends though it was not long i have met them, but i can see that they will be very amazing people one day, I may not be around when they do, but its just because of that slight push that i needed. i'm done being the joker, the player, and the one that everyone asks to drink.

The new path that i have chosen is no mistake, i was once successful, i could have became better, but I stopped, it's time to get back on and make my something of my self again, I may be a nothing now, but watch me world as with god and my friends by my side i believe that with this I can move mountains.

Anything that is of unimportance will be shrugged off, while I grow with the time that passes. Now i really know the meaning of nothing good comes easy, and nothing easy is good. there is a quote that i once heard " When i rich man loses everything he owns, has he truly lost his worth, or is it the beginning of a new and brighter birth". Without trying there is no chance in getting better. Sometimes we need to look at it from heaven's eye.

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