Monday 7 September 2015


Have you ever spent so much time with a person that you know that this person is a part of your life and you know that you wouldn't ever want to every say goodbye, and as the time goes by you notice that time is just too short, and what you did before was just a blink of an eye from yesterday, hell yea we have probably been through all this whether they are a friend or a partner.

A year has gone by, i had my ups and downs, we spent out time together almost every day, we move from place to place joked so loud that no one even gets it, all i know is the moment we decided to move forward together with our hands held tight it was the best thing that has ever happened to me, we traveled loved, learned, teach, and a lot more, but what this one year we had together did not prepare me for properly was the day of your departure, we spent our last week together 24/7 had our very last laughs and tears at the very last moments, thinking about the time we spent is a very good way to stay happy, but it is also a very painful experience. 

Since the day that you turned around and walked through those doors  i have been struggling to put my life back together, but it really takes a of people, and a lot of time to fill up the void that was left in emptiness, now I just sit at home every day sulking and lazing around with no proper goal. The moment when I let go of your hand was a day i felt that i can't live with out the women in my life, she is the one that has made me forget about what is in the past stay in the past.

Now everyday i look forward to most is a text from you, having the chance to your face again through this piece of glass, all i know is i have forgotten how does it feel like to hold your hand the touch of your skin and the kiss of your cheeks, the texture of your skin when i hold you close to my heart as it was the first time we truly departed both ways. 

I don't really know how a long distance relationship works, because i have never tried to fight for one in the past, but now i really wonder how so many of my friends could stand not seeing their partners for over 2 years and still keep such a calm face when we see them everyday, this is an obstacle none the less which i hope i can accomplish without any hassle, I am very depressed since the day you left, but as a boyfriend, i'm suppose to support you and wish you all the best, yes and i wonder so many times that am i selfish for wishing that you will not leave my side to chase your dream, what am i saying of course i am selfish for even thing about this.

I guess the is really the true test of loyalty, perseverance, and strength, i will wait for you till the day my other half comes back home. 

I love you TeaYeon remember that you have a home here back in Malaysia
Happy one year anniversary 

You showed my the deliciousness of Jajangmian =))

We ended up right where we began